Ultraviolet (UV) rays are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 10 to 400 nm, which cannot be perceived by the human eye. Humans can only see light in the 400-800 nm range, making UV rays invisible.
UV rays are categorized into subgroups based on their wavelengths:
UV rays should not be confused with X-rays, which have wavelengths of 0.1–10 nm and are typically used for medical imaging purposes.
UV rays have higher energy compared to visible light. Specifically, UV rays with wavelengths below 125 nm and energy above 10 eV can ionize oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
About 10% of sunlight consists of UV rays. The atmosphere filters most of these rays, with the ozone layer being particularly effective at neutralizing UVB and UVC rays.
UV rays are highly effective in eliminating microorganisms. Common uses include:
In sterilization applications, the wavelength and intensity of the UV light are selected based on the intended use. The success of sterilization is verified through pre- and post-process laboratory tests.
UV rays are used in central air conditioning and ventilation systems for air disinfection.
Solution: Industrial ozone units are recommended for surface sterilization.
Examples of personal use of UV rays include:
The effectiveness of UV sterilization is measured by calculating the light flow (W/m²) and the total UV dose (J/m²).
These calculations are critical for ensuring the reliability and accuracy of sterilization processes.
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